Zebra Jasper

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  • Regular price $2.00

Zebra Jasper gets its name from the distinct patterning of black and white. The word jasper is derived from the Greek word "iaspi", meaning spotting stone. Jasper is classified as quartz that contains up to 20% inclusions or foreign materials. 

Zebra Jasper is a stone of optimism and manifestation. It is said to help you unlock your true potential in all aspects of life. It helps one overcome the feelings of overwhelmingness while enhancing determination. Connecting to zebra jasper allows you to access the part of you that is wild and untamed. 

Chemical Formula: (Ca,Mn)CO 3

Commonly found in Africa, India, and Russia.

You will receive one (1) tumbled stone similar to the ones pictured. Colors may vary based on screen size and resolution.

Want to make your own necklace? Pair your stone with a necklace and wire cage!

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