Yooperlite (Lake Superior Sodalite) - Michigan

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  • Regular price $40.00

Size: 3.0 x 2.0 in.

Weight: 8.1 oz

Location: Lake Superior Shore, Michigan

Yooperlite is one of those rocks that make your jaw drop. We like to keep them in our galleries as conversation starters about the power of ultraviolet light. The look when getting when this "boring" rock starts glowing orange is what we live for!

Yooperlite, sometimes referred to as the "Glowing Rock", is a variety of sodalite first discovered in 2017 by Erik Rintamaki. On a late-night stroll along the shores of Lake Superior with a UV flashlight, to his surprise, he stumbled across a few small specimens of this rock. It is said the best place to find these are along the Keweenaw Peninsula.

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